African Spear Plant, Sansevieria Cylindrica

Dracaena angolensis (cylindrical snake plant)

Sansevieria cylindrica, also known as Dracaena angolensis, is a distinctive and hardy succulent plant native to Angola and belongs to the Asparagaceae family. It is characterized by its long, cylindrical, upright leaves that grow in a rosette form. This plant is renowned for its air-purifying qualities and low maintenance requirements, making it a popular choice for indoor spaces.

Sansevieria cylindrica is well-suited to a variety of environmental conditions and is prized for its unique and striking appearance, making it a favorite among plant enthusiasts and home decorators.

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Details about Dracaena angolensis (cylindrical snake plant) "African Spear Plant, Sansevieria Cylindrica"

Dracaena angolensis is a succulent that originates from Africa. It was first discovered in Angola and then it became popular in the Dutch Caribbean, which explains its other name Sansevieria cylindrical.

This plant is well known for its leaves, which are slender with an upright orientation. The foliage of this plant has different shades of green depending on how much light it receives or whether they are mature or not.

Growing Dracaena angolensis is easy like other snake plants. Follow the following steps for the good health of your dracaena angolensis.

How to grow and care for Dracaena angolensis

Like other Dracaena species, Dracaena angolensis (cylindrical snake plant) is also very easy to care for. It needs very little care and is a great plant for beginners as well as professional indoor gardeners.

Overall, this plant can live in the 55-90°F temperature range. During the daytime maintain temperatures between 70°F to 90°F (21°C to 32°C). While during the nighttime, it can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures, typically between 55°F to 70°F (13°C to 21°C). Which is enough for most indoor environments.

To grow the dracaena angolensis species healthy, follow the following steps.

Provide bright indirect Sunlight

Avoid dracaena angolensis snake plant from exposure to direct sunlight. Always provide indirect sunlight for as much as you can.

Although it can tolerate direct sunlight for a fraction of the time and in a cold environment. But if you are living in a hot environment, avoid exposing it directly to the sun, as it burns and scorches its leaves.

It is best to place it near a sunny window where it can get indirect sunlight or place it under grow lights for at least 6 hours a day.

Grow in a well-draining, nutrients rich Soil

Dracaena angolensis needs well-draining soil having organic and inorganic components. The organic and inorganic ingredients will provide the nutrients that your snake plant needs.

If it is not well-draining, you can add some perlite or sand to it.

A typical succulent or cactus soil works very well for this plant. Dracaena plants are pretty adaptable.

Water Dracaena angolensis properly

Watering your Dracaena angolensis succulent is one of the most essential and crucial parts of growing it. You must first check if the soil is dry before watering them. If you don't water your plants properly, they could die from over-watering.

You can water them once a week during the growing season and once a month during their dormant season.

Cylindrical snake plants usually won't need to be watered as much as other plants, since they can store water for quite some time.

Feed Fertilizer to boost its growth

Snake plants grow slowly and don't need any fertilizer. Usually, nutrient-rich soil and bright indirect sunlight are all they need to grow healthy.

However, if your cylindrical snake plant is not growing well because their current soil doesn't provide enough nutrients then feed it some organic houseplant fertilizer in early spring and late summer. OR fertilize with worm compost in a thin layer on top of the soil once a year.

Pro tip: Use water-soluble fertilizer when caring for your succulents So it absorbs quickly and excess be drained easily.

Repot Dracaena angolensis if needed

It is a good practice to repot your succulents every year or two depending on their type.

If your Dracaena angolensis growth has stuck, or its container soil is not providing enough nutrients for its growth anymore, or it has outgrown its pot, then it is the right time to repot it into a new home with fresh soil.

If you repot your Dracaena angolensis plant during the active growing season, i.e. early spring to early summer (depending on where you live), you can enhance its growth.

Prune Sansevieria Cylindrica if needed

Dracaena angolensis (sansevieria cylindrica) does not require frequent pruning. However, if the leaves become too long or start to droop, you can trim them back with a pair of sharp, clean scissors.

Be sure to only remove the damaged or dead leaves and avoid cutting into the healthy leaves.

Pruning should be done in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.

You'll also be able to propagate some of the cuttings into new Dracaena angolensis plants.

Keep Your plant Clean and healthy

Cleaning your Dracaena angolensis keeps it free from fungal attacks and other pests. Indirectly, this helps your plants grow healthier.

How to Propagate Dracaena angolensis?

Like many other snake plants, the Dracaena angolensis cultivar is easy to propagate. It can be propagated by cuttings and rhizome division.

Propagating cylindrical snake plants by root division is the most popular propagation method. But the leaf-cutting propagation can also be done easily.

Let's take a look at these propagation methods of Dracaena angolensis.

Propagating cylindrical snake plant by Root Division

The Dracaena angolensis plant can be propagated by rhizome/root division. In this way, you'll need to cut the roots into sections and plant each in a pot filled with fresh succulent soil.

After some days, your cylindrical snake plant rhizome sections will grow into new snake plants that you can transplant to new containers.

In the root division method, there is no need to be callous as you'll do in the propagation by the cutting method.

Propagating cylindrical snake plant by Leaf cutting

To propagate dracaena angolensis using the leaves-cutting method, you will need a sharp knife and a new container with fresh nutrient-rich succulents/cacti soil.

Cut a healthy leaf from the parent dracaena angolensis plant, apply some growth hormones if available to increase the success rate, and be callous for a few days in a shady area to avoid a fungus attack. Then place the leaf in fresh succulent soil and start misting twice a day.

The cutting will start growing roots after some time. If you are growing many dracaena angolensis in a big container, then it's time to transplant them into new separate containers and start caring for mature plants.

Pests and Diseases of Dracaena angolensis

Usually, the dracaena angolensis snake plant can defend itself from many pests and diseases (e.g. verticillium wilt) when it's healthy.

But sometimes, due to low maintenance, or when it is injured, or the plant is sick because of some other conditions, some common pests like vine weevils and mealybugs can infest it.

Usually, improper watering, fertilizing, and soil can ruin your plant. E.g. overwatering can cause root rot or it can cause fungal infections if left on leaves for a long time.

So make sure to neither over-water its roots nor keep moist the leaves for a long time.

Toxicity of Dracaena angolensis

Dracaena angolensis snake plant is mildly toxic to both humans and pets. If eaten, it can cause mouth and stomach irritations, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

According to, it contains "Saponins" which is toxic for cats and dogs.

So keep this plant where your children and pets are not able to reach or digest it.

Dracaena angolensis blooming

Dracaena angolensis snake plant produces tall flowers spikes, rising from the leaves base. Each of them produces beautiful 1-1.5" long tubular greenish-white with pinkish tint flowers. These are lightly fragrant as well.

Dracaena angolensis flowering season happens once a year and they rarely bloom.

To encourage its blooming, feed it organic fertilizer during early spring or at least late fall. So during the blooming season, it'll have the energy to grow beautiful flowers.

Types of dracaena angolensis

Dracaena angolensis plant has several cultivars and variations. Here are a few notable types of Sansevieria cylindrica:

  1. Dracaena cylindrica var. patula: This variety features shorter, stouter leaves often marked with dark green bands.
  2. Dracaena cylindrica 'Boncel': This cultivar has short, fat leaves that form tight, compact clusters, resembling a miniature version of the standard dracaena cylindrica.
  3. Dracaena cylindrica 'Spaghetti': As the name suggests, this type has thinner, cylindrical leaves that are often twisted or spiraled, giving it a distinctive appearance.
  4. Dracaena cylindrica 'Aubrytiana': It features leaves that are shorter and wider, with a more pronounced pattern of dark green stripes.
  5. Dracaena cylindrica 'Straight': This variety is characterized by straight, uniform leaves with minimal twisting or bending.
  6. Dracaena cylindrica 'Japanese Yellow': It has yellow stripes on its leaves, adding a unique color variation to the standard green foliage.

These different types of dracaena cylindrica offer a range of aesthetic options for plant enthusiasts and collectors, allowing them to choose the one that best complements their interior decor or personal preferences.

Uses and Benefits of Sansevieria Cylindrica

Sansevieria cylindrica is primarily grown for its unique and eye-catching appearance. However, it also has air-purifying properties and can help remove toxins from the air in your home or office.

Dracaena angolensis Video

Dracaena angolensis (cylindrical snake plant) by Tyler Mossop

Where to Buy Dracaena angolensis?

You can buy dracaena angolensis from the following sources.

Pairs Well with

  • Sansevieria trifasciata
  • Haworthia fasciata (zebra plant)
  • Aloe vera

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is dracaena angolensis indoor or outdoor?

Dracaena angolensis, also known as Sansevieria cylindrica, is primarily an indoor plant. It is well-suited to indoor environments and thrives in indirect or low-light conditions. While it can tolerate some outdoor exposure in mild climates, it is generally not recommended for full sun or harsh outdoor conditions.

If you need to take it outdoors in summer, only give morning sun, and when the temperature rises above 55 degrees F, bring it indoors.

What are the benefits and uses of dracaena angolensis?

Dracaena angolensis, or Sansevieria cylindrica, is valued for its air-purifying qualities, making it an excellent choice for indoor spaces. It helps remove toxins from the air and improve air quality.

Additionally, it is often used as a decorative houseplant due to its unique and striking appearance, with its tall, cylindrical leaves add elegance to interior decor.

Can dracaena angolensis take full sun?

No, dracaena angolensis is not well-suited for full sun exposure. It prefers bright, indirect light, or partial shade. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, causing damage. If you wish to place it outdoors, it's best to provide it with dappled or filtered sunlight to protect it from the harsh rays of the sun.

Alternatives names of dracaena angolensis

Cylindrical Snake Plant, African Spear, Spear Sansevieria, Saint Bárbara Sword, Acyntha Cylindrica, Cordyline Cylindrica, Sansevieria Angolensis, Cylindrical Mother In Law’s Tongue, Spear Orchid, Skyline Spear, Elephant’s Toothpick

Facts & Features

  • Best for Indoor

    Or keep it in a full shady area.

  • Grows in spring and summer

    Need more care during these times.

  • Indoors Lit Area

    Better to keep it near a window where it gets enough sunlight. OR, keep it outdoors.

  • Normal Watering

    Use regular succulent watering methods. Learn how to water succulents easily.

  • Not Cold Hardy

    Protect from very low temperatures.

  • Pests: Mealybugs, Vine Weevils

  • Propagation by cuttings and roots

  • Slightly Toxic

    Slightly toxic to humans and animals.

  • Zone 13b

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