Which hanging succulents will work together well? Combining Hanging Succulents
Hanging succulents are a great way to spruce up your home or office. There are many different types of hanging plants but it can be difficult to know which ones will work well together. Combining hanging succulents is a great way to create stunning looks in your indoor spaces.
TL;DR: The best way to combine the plants, is by choosing ones with similar care needs and growing habits. You need to consider the growth needs, like soil, watering, sunlight, etc., hight of your plants, and even the color of your succulent plants, as color also affect planting with others. Read on for more info.
To create a stunning hanging succulent arrangement you will need at least two or three different types of succulents. It can be difficult to know which types of plants are compatible when you're picking out a new hanging plant for your collection. Keep reading to discover some of the best hanging succulents to grow together.
This guide will help you create stunning displays by combining different types of succulents. The suggestions in this article can also be used when planting hanging baskets, creating fairy gardens, or even your standard garden bed.
This article discusses some of the best plants for hanging baskets and how they complement each other.
Please note: We only discuss the rules of thumb here to follow, and will not mention the names of individual succulent types. Because there are a lot of hanging succulents, and it is hard to mention every one of them here.
Which Succulents can be Planted Together?
It is possible to plant just about any succulents in a hanging basket. Some, like Echeveria and Sedum, work well with other plants while some can be mixed only if there are enough baskets for each type of plant. Most succulents will need at least six hours of sunlight per day; however, this is something to keep in mind if you want to grow a variety of plants.
Dwarf varieties of Sedum work well with other succulents since they do not take up too much space. Also, these slow-growing plants will also be able to handle the additional weight. Echeveria succulents are perfect for anyone who wants to grow a variety of plants in one area but will not do well with other varieties and are better suited to be planted on their own.
The following factors should be considered when combining succulents together in one basket/planter.
Growth Needs Should be Same
The succulents variety is so vast when choosing which ones to plant together it’s helpful to choose those with similar needs. This will help create harmony and keep the set looking great for a long time.
Growth needs vary widely between succulents. Some, like the Wax plant, and Kenya Hyacinth, are slow-growing and can be planted with other succulents. Others, like Sedum Morganianum, and String of Buttons are fast-growing and will need their own basket so they do not crowd out the other slow plants in a hanging basket, but you can mix these together.
Height of Succulents Matters
Most succulents have a fairly low to the ground profile. However, there are some succulents that will be taller than others. This means they will take up more space in their hanging baskets and should not be mixed with smaller varieties of plants.
These taller succulents include Euphorbia and Senecio. Even though the plants look remarkably different they will both grow to be between two and three feet tall, which is just too big for most hanging baskets.
Color of Succulents Affects Planting with Others
The best way to combine different plant varieties is with similar colors. Succulent varieties come in a large number of colors but the ones that will work well together are those with similar orange and burgundy tones. This includes Sedum, Echeveria, and Sempervivum varieties.
Ideal Plant Combinations Having Similar Water And Light Needs
It is recommended to combine hanging baskets having similar requirements. This is the easiest way to ensure that all of your plants will thrive. The ideal combinations include:
- Echeveria and Sedum varieties work well together because they need similar amounts of water and sun. They can handle a lot of different light conditions so they will work well in almost any area.
- Sempervivum varieties can be planted with a wide variety of succulents but should not be combined with other Sempervivum varieties.
There are many great ways to decorate your home or office with hanging succulents. These plants may require some upkeep but they can be the perfect addition to any space.
Bonus Video For Making Great Succulents Arrangements
Check the video by Succulents Box for beautifully arranging succulents together.
Hanging succulents are a great way to spruce up your home or office. There are many different types of plants that will work well together depending on the type and size of plant you want, how much sun it needs, their water and soil needs, and what color they are.
We hope this article helped clear up any confusion about which hanging succulent varieties should be planted with others! If not- feel free to reach out anytime for help designing an indoor garden plan that works best for you with our friendly team.