14 tips for taking care of hanging succulents

Succulent plants are popular for home decoration, and many people choose to display their hanging succulents on walls and indoors. If you have never cared for a succulent plant before, they can present some challenges when it comes to knowing what kind of care they need. While hanging succulents are also the same type of succulents, but it needs some special care to grow them healthy.

Here I am mentioning some of the most important tips for taking care of your hanging succulent. We've covered everything from the basics like watering them properly all the way down to more advanced topics such as transplanting and pest control.

Tip #1: Choose the Right Succulent Plant

When buying a hanging succulent plant, it is important to know in what type of environment it will be taking care of. Some hanging plants need more water than others and some may require a more acidic soil base. Make sure you are choosing a plant that matches your home's environment.

Succulent plants are easy to care for as long as you know the right conditions for growing them.

Tip #2: Use the Right Succulent Soil

Caring for a hanging succulent plant is easier if you choose one that grows in soil (some can grow without soil, e.g. epiphytes). Hanging succulents can adapt well to just absorbing water from the air, but it is better to have a soil-based succulents if you plan on having one for an extended period of time. This makes it easier to clean and gives the plant more nutrients.

When choosing potting soil, make sure that it will support the growth of your hanging succulent plants. It should be able to give them plenty of moisture without having too many nutrients or not enough nutrients. It should also be well-aerated so that the plant roots have a good supply of oxygen to grow properly.

Tip #3: Water the Soil thoroughly when it is dry to the touch

Hanging succulents need plenty of water, but you do not want to overdo it. You can tell when your hanging succulent needs more water by looking at the soil. If it is light and fluffy, you should water it immediately to avoid damaging your beauty.

A hanging succulent plant needs at least one inch of water every week. Watering your succulents before or after natural rainfall is a good idea so that there are no issues with over-watering or under-watering. You may have to adjust how much you water your hanging succulents in different seasons. For example, they will need more water in the spring or their growing season than they do in the fall or winter (dormant) months.

Tip #4: Transplanting / Repotting

You can keep your succulent roots healthy by changing their soil every year or two. In order to do this, you may need to repot your plant into a larger pot.

When repotting your hanging succulent, keep the container at least two inches wider than the previous one so that it has enough room for the roots to grow. You should also have some drainage holes in the bottom of the pot so that excess water can escape.

Tip #5: Give Hanging Succulents enough Sunlight and Temperature

Your succulent's sunlight needs to be the right intensity for it to grow properly. As a general rule of thumb, you should avoid exposing your succulents to direct sunlight if they have green leaves. Succulents that have white or gray coloring will be able to tolerate more sunlight than their green-leaved counterparts.

A succulent plant will also grow best if it is kept at room temperature. If you can, try to mimic the temperatures where they would naturally grow so that they do not have too much trouble adjusting when they are first transplanted into your home or garden.

Tip #6: Pruning to adjust its Shape and Size

You may need to prune your hanging succulent plant for several reasons. The first reason is that you may want to control its shape or size. Some plants will grow too tall, so you may trim the stem back in order to keep it short enough to be manageable.

Another reason for pruning a succulent plant is for aesthetic or health reasons. When your succulents start to droop, prune them back so that they stay healthy and attractive.

Tip #7: Feed them nuetrients by Fertilizing

You may need to feed your hanging succulent by either fertilizing the soil it is planted in or feeding the plant itself.

A soil-based succulent will need to be fertilized roughly every other month. In order for the plant to absorb as much of the fertilizer as possible, mix it with water and allow it to sit for an hour or two before you water your plant. The sunlight will also help the fertilizer to work better.

Tip #8: Pests Control is Necessary

If your hanging succulent plant becomes infested by pests, you have several options. One option is to use a pesticide that will not do any harm to the plant. The second option is to use beneficial bugs or plants that are known for repelling pests.

If you do not want to use pesticides, you can try growing your succulents in direct sunlight while making sure their soil stays moist at all times.

Tip #9: Rotate Your Hanging Succulents Frequently

It can be difficult to keep your succulent healthy and vibrant if you hang it in the same spot for too long. You should also try to rotate it from time to time.

Rotating it will ensure that it gets enough sunlight, as well as changing its angle so that air can flow into all of its leaves and stems. It also makes sure that the plant is not getting too hot or too cold, which can make it wilt.

Tip #10: Keep Your Hanging Succulents Clean

It is vital that you keep your hanging succulent plant clean! Before you feed it or water it, make sure that any dust and dirt particles are removed from around the base of the leaves. You can use a damp cloth to wipe off any excess dirt.

Succulents need their soil to be moist at all times, so make sure you water your hanging succulent on a regular basis. Succulents prefer their soil to be slightly moist.

Tip #11: Take Care During All Seasons

There are several important steps to take during all seasons if you want your succulent to stay healthy and live as long as possible.

In order for your hanging succulent to be healthy, it needs the right amount of water as well as sunlight. The ideal temperature for succulents is anywhere in the range between 50 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

They also need to have their soil mixed with compost or potting soil at all times so they will have everything they need for proper growth. You may also need to replant your succulents every year or two, especially if the roots have spread out too much and are taking up a lot of space.

Tip #12: Air Humidity is Important

The right amount of humidity is also important for your succulents to survive and thrive. Although you may think that the tropical room in your house would be ideal, this is not necessarily true.

In order to keep a healthy level of humidity around your succulent, place a container with pebbles or rocks inside it under the hanging succulent. This will help to add natural moisture to the air around your plant.

Tip #13: Mist the Leaves Once in a While

Another way to keep your hanging succulent healthy is by misting the leaves. Use a spray bottle, and lightly spray the leaves every few days or whenever they feel dry.

Tip #14: Remove any dead or damaged leaves to encourage new growth

Another important step in caring for your hanging succulent is to remove any dead or damaged leaves. This will help it stay healthy, and you also need to be sure to check the soil every few weeks so that you know when it needs more water.

Bonus Video For Taking Care of Trailing/Hanging Succculents

Check out the great video by Mountain Crest Gardens for taking care of trailing succulents.


Hanging succulents are a great way to add an interesting accent or focal point to your home. They’re also quite easy and inexpensive plants to care for, as long as you know, how!

But they require a bit of maintenance. Fortunately, there is plenty you can do with these 14 tips for taking care of your hanging succulent plants and make sure they stay healthy and happy. Whether you need help caring for your new trailing/hangings or want to learn more about the best way to take care of them in specific seasons, this article includes everything known so far that you may need!

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